Sayre Citywide Garage Sales Slated For June 9-10
It’s that time of year again! Time to clean out closets, garages and attics for Sayre’s spring citywide garage sales sponsored by the Sayre Chamber of Commerce. To list your sale for free, you may sign up on lists located at Sayre Floral, Gallery@112 and City Hall. You may also call the Sayre Chamber of Commerce at 928-3386. Or you may message the Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and it will be added to list. Printed lists will be available beginning Thursday, June 8 at the Sayre Route 66 Farmers Market, located at the old Sonic Drive-in on 4th Street, as well as City Hall, Gallery@112 and Sayre Floral. The list will also be posted on the Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.
05/16/2023 11:00 PM