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Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 1:28 PM


Two students graduate from class of 1913
Two students graduate from class of 1913
Two graduates comprised the Class of 1913 for Sayre High School. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Class of ‘33 purchased Eagle, and regularly doused with yellow paint!
Class of ‘33 purchased Eagle, and regularly doused with yellow paint!
1933 Class member Florene Barker of Sayre provided news each year for her class. On April 28, 1933, a total of 29 students graduated from Sayre High School. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
World War II altered the lives of class of ‘43
World War II altered the lives of class of ‘43
No news was submitted by class members of 1943, so the newspaper staff reviewed the article published 20 years ago for their 50th class reunion! 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Sayre Alumni Graduating Class Of 1973
Sayre Alumni Graduating Class Of 1973
The class of 1973 will gather for their 50 year reunion at this year’s 91st Alumni celebration. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Sayre Alumni Graduating Class Of 1978
Sayre Alumni Graduating Class Of 1978
Ada Parks Ada Parks and husband, Breaden of 46 years, and granddaughter Alicyn (17) live in Weatherford, Ok. She has been working at Walmart for 23 years. She is on the countdown to retirement and can’t wait. They have 3 children Crystal, Brandon and Tonya and 13 grandkids and 1 Great Granddaughter. They enjoy outdoor activities with the Grandkids. They stay very busy with the Grandkids! Billy Gatlin Billy Gatlin is retired and he, Cindy and Halee live in Cordell. He takes care of his dad, and they still build old trucks and do some trading around. He says this is keeping his dad young. His wife, Cindy, is semiretired and they both try to stay one step ahead of Halee. Halee is fourteen now and going on 28. He and Cindy are staying close to the Lord and doing well. They are living their best life. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Class of 93: ‘Is it really 30 years since we walked the stage?’
Class of 93: ‘Is it really 30 years since we walked the stage?’
The Class of 93 will be celebrating Friday night (Adults Only) at UrbanHouse, 7:00 pm. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
First Sayre school organized by Herschel Joseph
First Sayre school organized by Herschel Joseph
The first school conducted in Sayre was in a little frame building situated on the grounds that formerly was the homestead of J.M. Danner. It was started in 1901, with Professor Herschel Joseph as superintendent who was assisted by his sister, Miss Mary Joseph. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Sayre man charged with four charges, including resisting an officer, after alleged firearms call
Sayre man charged with four charges, including resisting an officer, after alleged firearms call
A search warrant has been issued for a 19-year-old Sayre man after being charged with consuming intoxicants in public, malicious injury to property less than $2,500, disturbing the peace by loud or unusual noise or abusive, violent, obscene, profane or threatening language, and resisting an executive officer. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Arkansas man faces multiple felonies after high-speed chase Alleged kidnapping victim says suspect was attempting "suicide by copo"
Arkansas man faces multiple felonies after high-speed chase Alleged kidnapping victim says suspect was attempting "suicide by copo"
The pursuit continued as an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper joined and took the lead position in the pursuit. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
One Hundred Years Ago, April 1923
One Hundred Years Ago, April 1923
Easter fell on the first day of April. Due to a blowing wind, which kept dust moving most of the day, few wore their new Easter bonnets. Methodist Church, South was typical of Easter zeal as five children were dedicated and twenty-seven people joined the church. Sunday school recorded 284 in attendance. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
SWOSU Rocket Dawgs Win Argonia Cup
SWOSU Rocket Dawgs Win Argonia Cup
The Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) Physics and Engineering Club’s Rocket Dawgs won their second consecutive Argonia Cup title last Sunday, March 26, at the Rocket Pasture near Argonia, Kansas. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM
Erick Ramblings
Erick Ramblings
Easter is this coming Sunday, 4/9. The Annual Erick Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt will be begin at 1:00, this coming Saturday, 4/8, weather permitting, at the City Park for ages 0-12 years of age. If the weather forces this to be cancelled, they will reschedule for a few days later but will no doubt post that on Facebook. 04/04/2023 10:00 PM