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Friday, January 10, 2025 at 5:47 PM

Political Correctness

Our culture demands political correctness–a philos- ophy de. ned as "avoidance

Our culture demands political correctness—a philos- ophy de. ned as "avoidance

of expressions or actions perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult anyone socially disadvantaged or who suffers discrimination.”

What an incredibly open-ended statement! No matter where we stand on the conservative-to-liberal continuum, we all know someone who could fall into one of these so-called "inclusive" catego-

ries. However, the demands of this philosophy are so vague and broad, trying to ful. ll them is impossible, and we become

paralyzed by fear of offending; afraid to offer an opinion on anything.

The politically correctness philosophy impacts our lives even

if we reject its claims. One of the . rst generations to fully embrace it now occupies places of authority: in our homes, schools, universities, banks, hospitals, businesses, churches and government. PC thinkers deeply in. uence politics; pri- mary and secondary education; the drug, medical and judicial systems; the food and fashion industries; television and video production; the meaning of words and the legal de. nition of

constitutional rights and freedom, just to name a few. This way of thinking has gradually crept into the Body of Christ, much like sin slithered into Eden. The Bible has always emphasized love for people in Christ, without trivializing the awfulness of our sin. PC thought trivializes anyone who disagrees with it, while emphasizing the "right" to the sins of rebellion and sel. shness. To stand against the inva- sion of this destructive, paralyzing poison, we who claim the Name of Jesus must make changes in our own thinking.

American society is deeply enmeshed in the emotion of politically correct thinking. In contrast, believers must be spiritually mature; recognizing that our feelings are not to be our primary concern. It’s unreasonable to demand that others tip-toe around our subjective feelings to prevent us from feeling hurt. It’s a fact of life: people hurt our feelings, and there will always be opportunity for offense. The offenders likely won’t stop to dry our tears or bandage hurt feelings, and truly, they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, differing viewpoints, and even direct insults produces a much healthier, more productive life than routinely playing the victim card. I’m not referring to legitimate abuse, which must be dealt with quickly and sternly. I’m referring to the offenses Christians and non-believers carry because they don’t agree.

Believers need to take the lead in the acceptance of people,

without accepting sin as justi. able and tolerable.

Demanding that others take responsibility for how we feel produces destruction: debt, suicide, riots, divorce, murder, rape, pouting, gossip and entitlement, both inside the church and out. Paul warned believers, "You do not be conformed

to this age, instead be transformed by renewing your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2 (HCSB). No one else can do it for us.

Politically correct thought and speech is actually opposed to Biblical truth on every level, though it’s often not obvious. It often insists if anything is said that offends, or if there is disagreement, it naturally indicates hatred. Believers must express truth-speaking through Christ; based on love, not hate.

"For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (en-

dure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itch- ing [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gath- er to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made . ctions." 2 Timothy.

When political correctness replaces Biblical thinking, brokenness is always the result. Biblical Guidance ministry re- stores con. dence in the unchangeable Truth of God's Word,

and its practical every day application. Your donation to this ministry underwrites the cost for those in crisis who currently cannot pay. For your convenience, monthly auto-debit is available. Call 580-774-2884 for more information.

