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Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 12:08 PM

Erick Public Schools

3 - glue sticks NO GEL

3 - glue sticks NO GEL

2 - box 16 ct. Crayola Crayons I - pkg. Markers

1 - Kinder mat

*1- pair Fiskars blunt end scissors (no substitutes)

1 - box gallon Ziploc bags (boys only)

*1 - small school box

*1 - sturdy plastic folder

3 - containers Clorox wipes

1 - Germ X

* 1 - large backpack

2 - can 4oz play doh

1 - Lysol Spray

2 - big pink erasers I - small water bottle

*1 - Crayola Washable Water Paint (8}

1 - box quart Ziploc bags (girls only)

*2 - I inch binders

1 - container of baby wipes

2 - large boxes of Kleenex I - small blanket

1 - ream white copy paper


*1 - box C'ravula washable water paints

*1 - pair Fiskars blunt end scissors (NO substitutes)

*1 - 3-hole CLEAR (see through) zipper bag

* 1 — 3 ring Binder (I-inch size)

*1 - sturdy plastic pocket folder with 3 ring holes (NO prongs)

*1 — wide lined spiral notebook

*1 - large backpack (NO small or roller please)

* 1 - small water bottle 2 - boxes of

8 count Crayola Crayons (NO FAT)

2 — boxes of Crayola Brand 24 count Crayons (NO FAT)

Your child will also need a change of clothes kept in their back]

1-pkg. Crayola Brand markers

4 - Elmer's glue sticks (NO gel glue)

1 -1 leadphone

1 - package of Crayola colored pencils

4 - big pink erasers

4 - containers of Play Dough

1 - boxes of Kleenex

2 - containers of Clorox Wipes

1 - box gallon Ziploc bags (girls)

1 - box of Dixie Cups (BOYS only) for accidents.

I - Lysol Spray

T1 Crude

1 - small school box (large won’t fit in desks)

1 - pair Fiskurs blunt end scissors (no substitutes)

1 CLEAR 3-hole zipper bag (fits inside 3 prong binder)

4 - glue sticks

1 - gallon Ziploc bags (boys)

1 - set ofheadphones

1 - small water bottle

3 - big pink erasers

24 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga-black) I - 3 ring binder 1 inch- no pictures

1 - container Clorox Wipes

1 - quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)

4 - boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons

1 - ream copy paper

2nJ Grude

1 - plastic school box

4 - 2 4 count Crayola Crayons

4 - glue sticks

1 - pair Fiskars blunt end scissors

24 - #2 Natural Wood pencils (Black Ticonderoga)

1 - gallon size Ziploc bags (boys only)

1 - box quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)

1 - small water bottle

1 - 3 pack Clorox Wipes

1 - hand sanitizer I - pair headphones- 110268 I - ream of copy paper

3 - big pink erasers

1 - 3 hole zipper bag fits inside folder

2- colored plastic folders w/3 metal brads ( NO BINDERS)

1 - plastic shoe box 3r<l. 4lh. Slh. & 6lh Grades

1 - box 24 count yellow USA Gold or Ticonderoga

1 -25 count box of pencil top erasers I -

10 count Crayola Washable Markers Bold Color (no subst.)

1-12 count Crayola Colored Pencils (no substitutions) I - Crayola crayons 24ct

1- ream white copy paper

2 - Elmer's Glue Stick I - I inch 3-ring binder I - Fiskars scissors

1 - set of earbuds or earphones (Mandatory) I - I subject wide rule spiral notebook

2- Clorox Wipes

4- plastic folders with holes I - 3-hole zipper bag that fits inside binder


& Hlh (iradvs 2 - packages #2 pencils

1 - package pencil top erasers

2 - packages wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper I - folder I - spiral notebook wide lined

1 - box Kleenex or container Clorox wipes

1 - earbuds or headphones

1 - 7Ih Calculator w/ square root and percentage buttons I -8th Calculator TI-30XS

9th, Itr11. n,h& 12thGrades



3 ring binder with dividers composition notebook for ELA class (not wire bound) pair of earbuds or headphones packages of loose leaf notebook paper packs of pencils pack of pens package of graph paper TI-30XS calculator for math classes

2 -

2 _ I I

