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Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 10:01 PM

Sayre Alumni Graduating Class Of 1978

Ada Parks Ada Parks and husband, Breaden of 46 years, and granddaughter Alicyn (17) live in Weatherford, Ok. She has been working at Walmart for 23 years. She is on the countdown to retirement and can’t wait. They have 3 children Crystal, Brandon and Tonya and 13 grandkids and 1 Great Granddaughter. They enjoy outdoor activities with the Grandkids. They stay very busy with the Grandkids! Billy Gatlin Billy Gatlin is retired and he, Cindy and Halee live in Cordell. He takes care of his dad, and they still build old trucks and do some trading around. He says this is keeping his dad young. His wife, Cindy, is semiretired and they both try to stay one step ahead of Halee. Halee is fourteen now and going on 28. He and Cindy are staying close to the Lord and doing well. They are living their best life.

Ada Parks Ada Parks and husband, Breaden of 46 years, and granddaughter Alicyn (17) live in Weatherford, Ok. She has been working at Walmart for 23 years. She is on the countdown to retirement and can’t wait. They have 3 children Crystal, Brandon and Tonya and 13 grandkids and 1 Great Granddaughter. They enjoy outdoor activities with the Grandkids. They stay very busy with the Grandkids! Billy Gatlin Billy Gatlin is retired and he, Cindy and Halee live in Cordell. He takes care of his dad, and they still build old trucks and do some trading around. He says this is keeping his dad young. His wife, Cindy, is semiretired and they both try to stay one step ahead of Halee. Halee is fourteen now and going on 28. He and Cindy are staying close to the Lord and doing well. They are living their best life.

Brad Spitzer Brad Spitzer and Dayva Spitzer are owners of Spitzer Publishing and a storage unit business in Sayre. They have a son, Drew, his wife Breanna and three grandchildren.

Brenda (Fairless) Winslett Brenda (Fairless) Winslett is married to Charles Winslett for the past 17 years. They live in Comanche, Ok on Mudd Creek/Johnson Corner. They have a farm and run cattle along with Brenda’s bunch of chickens and peafowls. They have 12 grandchildren. Brenda works at The Pain Rehabilitation Group in Wichita Falls, TX as one of the Nurse practitioner providers.

Calvin York Calvin York has been a lifelong resident of SAYRE. He works on the farms that they have. He is still married to Norma. They have four children, eight grandchildren with one more on the way.

Cindy (Hise) Parker Cindy (Hise) Parker is living in Sayre and is working at the hospital in Elk City. Her four daughters are all doing wonderful, and she has . ve beautiful grandchildren. Cindy (Parker) Gilliland Cindy (Parker) Gilliland lives in Amarillo, TX. She has two children, Erin and Eric and 4 grandchildren, Mikaila (17), Maddux (11), Milyah (7) and David (5). The grandchildren live in close proximity, which makes for a happy and busy grandma. Cindy works as the Director of Domestic Family Services for Nightlight Christian Adoptions. Nightlight is licensed in 10 states in the U.S. and offers domestic adoption services to those states, plus many families in other states. Nightlight has an International Adoption program plus an embryo adoption program called Snow. akes.

Clifford Rippetoe Clifford (Rip) and Leah Rippetoe live in San Diego. Rip is the President and CEO of the San Diego Convention Center. They have been in sunny California for 7 years now. Rip and Leah love to travel and especially loved their trips to Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and Australia. They have two children and . ve grand- children living throughout the states. Leah has a beautiful voice and stays busy performing with the San Diego Chorus. Rip, also, serves on numerous boards with one example being The San Diego Food Bank. His plate is full. Even with all this Rip’s biggest inspiration is still his little sister, Lisa, who gets out to see them frequently. Both Rip and Leah love visitors so head on out to sunny California and say “Hi”. Debbie Music/Goucher Debbie Music/Goucher and husband are still in the Sayre Area. In the last . ve years, they have sold their home on 15 Acres and bought 4 lots in Sayre, just up the street from where she grew up. They are planning on downsizing and are building a barn house. Her husband is gone most of the winter so they probably won’t get back to building until spring but the poles are up!!! They have been living in their 5th wheel since the move. She is pretty much retired and doing her furniture painting and projects. Her husband is still working around Western Oklahoma during the summer, and Denver and North Dakota in the winter. They have three new grand babies (two girls and one boy) and have two GREAT grandsons and a GREAT granddaughter, yes, she said GREAT.

Don Mark Weston Don Mark Weston and his wife, Kay DaSha, have been living in Cotopaxi, Colorado for 17 years. The 19 years before that they were in Colorado Springs, but it got too big to live in. They have 3 children: Lindy, Tyler, and Keren. And they have 6 grandchildren, Austin, Addie, Annabelle, Alaya, Samuel, and Amelia.

Their Grands range in age from 11 to 3. Both Don Mark and his son, Tyler, work at CSwind, who manufactures wind tower blades and other components. His wife works in the medi- cal . eld, manager/medical assistant, to keep Don Mark living in the manner he has become accustomed to.

His daughter, Lindy, is a forensic engineer in Dallas and has an Architecture Drawing Business there. Keren works at Wells Fargo bank and has completed medical billing coding.

They really enjoy living in Colorado with its mountains and other beautiful countryside views.

Gina (Johnson) Stewart Gina (Johnson) Stewart and her husband, Ron are still living in Elk City. Gina still owns and operates her tax & accounting . rm. Ron is retired. They have 2 beautiful grandsons. Spending as much time as they can with their family is a priority.

Jacqueline (Bonds) Parker Jacqueline (Bonds) Parker and her husband, Phil, live in Weatherford, Ok. She and Phil have four children.

Their oldest son and his wife have two daughters, aged six and three.

Their oldest daughter and her hus- band have a son, age . ve and boy/ girl twins who are 22 months old.

They also have twin daughters who will be graduating from high school this May. Jacqueline keeps busy with substitute teaching and watching grandkids.

Joni (Crabb) Holley Joni (Crabb) Holley and her husband, Jim still live in Amarillo, TX. They both are happily retired.

They enjoy spending time with their daughters, Tori and Tana, and grandson, AJ who also live in Amarillo.

Laura Carnahan Mohr Laura Carnahan Mohr is living in Wichita Kansas so she can be near her son Joe and help babysit his two girls, Amelia and Charlotte. Jeff is still in Oklahoma working for Northfork and driving to Wichita every other weekend to visit. They love it in Wichita and plan to retire there within the next couple of years.

Their son Matt lives in Yukon with grandson Garin and granddaughter Brinley. Laura has a miniature long haired dachshund, Dackel, to keep her company while Jeff is working back in Oklahoma. “We walk twice a day and have backyard dog parties with the neighbors when the weather is nice. Life is good and I can’t wait for Jeff to retire and join me up here.”

Melody (Whitehead) Kiener Melody (Whitehead) Kiener and husband Joe still live in Sayre. They both retired in 2016 and have been enjoying some traveling, and spending lots of time with their 3 grandkids Avery, Ally and Kaden. They will celebrate their 47th wedding anniversary in June.

Merry (Gulledge) Gaddy Merry (Gulledge) Gaddy is living in OKC, and she is still teaching PreK for the Mid-Del School district at Del City Elementary. She is counting down the days until summer break so she can spend more time with her son, her grands, and her mom.

Mike Rice Mike Rice is still living south of Sayre. He has a son that also lives in Sayre and a daughter in Piedmont, Okla. and 4 Grandkids. His grandkids are 14, 12, 7 and 6 years old. Mike is self-employed but he is partially retired. Basically, he still works but only when he wants to. Life is good and he does not like some democrats.

Neil Mackey Neil Mackey and his wife, Deena, live at Coleman, Oklahoma. Neil is the accountant for Cross Timbers Hospice in Ardmore and still has a few cows on the side. They are look- ing forward to the arrival of their . rst grandchild in May. Randall Trout Randall Trout and wife Susan live in Oklahoma City with their pit bulldog Bella. Randall is self-employed and Susan is a retired pharmacist. They have 2 sons, Jeremy and Jason, and are proud to have beautiful daughter-in-law Ana, Jason’s wife, in the family. They all live and work in the OKC area. Randall and Susan enjoy traveling when possible but most of all enjoy their family, friends and their dog, Bella, and 2 grand-dogs, Bentley and Francesco.

Rebecca (Reeves) Strain Rebecca (Reeves) Strain and her husband, Tony, live in Northern Alabama. Their daughter and her husband and their son and his wife, also live in Alabama, and 3 grandkids!

Tony and Rebecca enjoy traveling and spoiling their grandkids!

Scott and Jamie (Goldesberry) Crosby Scott and Jamie (Goldesberry) Crosby have been married for 37 years now. They are currently living in Kingston, OK, down at Lake Texoma. Scott is still involved in the oil. eld and Jamie is a . eld ap- praiser for the Marshall County Assessor. They have one son, Josh, who is living his dream life in Honolulu working for a boat charter company.

When they’re not working, they en- joy being out on the lake . shing and Jamie is still running. They can’t wait for warmer weather to arrive!

Tamie (Walker) Phillips Tamie and Gary Phillips are still in Sayre and still kicking. Gary recently retired and the plan is to travel. Haven’t done any yet, but that’s the plan. Their girls and sons-in-law, Brandi & Matt, and Brittney & Ben, are in Sayre where both girls are teaching in Sayre Schools and both guys are working in oil. eld. Their son and daughter-in-law, Luke & Emily, live in Edmond. Luke works at OG&E and Emily is at Parc Place Medical Resort. They have been blessed with 8 grandkids ranging in age from 15 to 1. They enjoy going to as many ballgames, school activities, and family events as possible.

Family is what it’s all about.

Neil Mackey Neil Mackey and his wife, Deena, live at Coleman, Oklahoma. Neil is the accountant for Cross Timbers Hospice in Ardmore and still has a few cows on the side. They are look- ing forward to the arrival of their . rst grandchild in May. Teresa (Rippetoe) Goughan Teresa (Rippetoe) Goughan and her husband, Chip, still live in the Dallas area but they have moved to Corinth, Tx. They both work full time but are looking forward to retirement (someday). Teresa works out of her home as a computer architect for a small computer consulting company, Cantactix Solutions, Inc., and has so for 9 years. Chip works as a CPA for a corporation. Both their sons live in the Dallas area, so they see them frequently. They have an 8-year-old Dalmatian, named Oakley, who is the “BOSS” of the whole house, plus they have a grand-dog, named Hank, who competes for this “BOSS” title.

Vivien (Hartman) Kennedy Vivien Hartman Kennedy and husband Red continue to live in Elk City, Ok. Vivien is retired and Red con- tinues employment in the oil . eld.

They have 6 children. April and Michael Smith, Jason and Amanda Carlisle, Katie Carlisle, Justin and Brenda Kennedy, Julie and Brad Guthrie and Travis and Leslie Kennedy. They have 20 grandchildren and 2 Great grandchildren. They enjoy gardening and spending time with our grandchildren and great grandchildren. They are looking forward to Red’s retirement and traveling in the future.

Gone but not Forgotten Ramona (Carnes) Robinson Janet Tatyrek Jimmy Sanders Jon Ward Joe Matlock Mark Chrismon Kerry Clothier Jerry Roles Glen Lamb Julie Blackman Farewell to Friends There comes a time all things must end, And friends must say farewell to friends.

The times have made us laugh and cry.

But now it’s time to say goodbye.

We know it’s been a time well spent, For those who came and ones who went.

Like baby birds we'll . y the nest, To . y or fall - our . nal test.

To all of you who helped us through A special wish and thanks to you.

Written by 1978 graduates: Janet Tatyrek Scott Crosby


Beckham County Record