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Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 10:13 PM

Class of ‘33 purchased Eagle, and regularly doused with yellow paint!

1933 Class member Florene Barker of Sayre provided news each year for her class. On April 28, 1933, a total of 29 students graduated from Sayre High School.

1933 Class member Florene Barker of Sayre provided news each year for her class. On April 28, 1933, a total of 29 students graduated from Sayre High School.

The newspaper is not sure if any of the class members remain. They would be 96 to 98 years of age.

O.R. Harris was superintendent and J.T. Means and C.G. Fuchs, sr., were members of the Board of Education. Class sponsors were Mable Marrison and Helen Flourney. Class parents were Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Puckett.

The class, due to the Depression, was the only one that didn't get to wear Caps and Gowns or have a class picture. The class rings sold for $10.

Members of the class were Florene (Kurtze) Barker, Blaine Puckett, Jackie (Wade) Wright, Myrtle (Anderson) Davis, Mary Jane (Brickell) Peterson, Harry Brown, Loraine Bruns, Oliver Crutchfield, Orpha Lee Culter, Thurmond Carmichael, Carl Gasser, Wilson Green, Marshall Gurley, Lewis Goddard, Richard Hix, Muriel Hastings, Bertha Hussey, Arlone (Kurtze) Watts, Herman Kirtley, Pauline Minard, Mildred Mabra, Effie Mae McClure, Tom Mc Clure, D.B. Person, Cecil Paddock, Martha Mae Ryle, Mary Thompson, Eddie Usrey, and W.A. Waddell.

The class boasted of two sets of siblings: Arlone and Flor- ence Kirtze and Tom and Effie McClure. Two members were young graduates; Marshall Gurley was 16 and Florene Kurtze was 15. The class was proud of a winning member of the State Track Team. Eddie Usrey was the fastest runner from Sayre. He also was a football player and beautiful singer.

Mary Jane Brickell was valedictorian and Florene Kurtze was salutatorian. There were no scholarships for these students, though several went on to college.

The first Eagle emblem to be in front of Sayre High School was purchased by the 1933 class from the J.I. Case Implement Company in Cheyenne for $25. It was usually doused with yellow paint before certain rival football games!

The class of 1933 met regularly down through the years. Mrs. Barker noted in 2003 that at that time, only five members were alive then. They included Herman Kirtley, Effie McClure, Eddie Usrey, Tom McClure and Florene Kurtze Barker.


Beckham County Record