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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 12:38 PM

Memorial Day: Connecting The Past And Present

“Dr. Dixie, I’m in high school. Our youth minister says Jesus died for our sins so we can go to heaven. I get that. What I don’t get is how what happened 2000 years ago makes any difference in my daily life. What happened so long ago doesn’t even seem real. I feel so disconnected!”

“Dr. Dixie, I’m in high school. Our youth minister says Jesus died for our sins so we can go to heaven. I get that. What I don’t get is how what happened 2000 years ago makes any difference in my daily life. What happened so long ago doesn’t even seem real. I feel so disconnected!”

A modern day example of what this young woman is talking about is Memorial Day, celebrated annually on the last Monday of May. This day honors all who died while serving in the American military. We may never have known personally those whose sacrifices we commemorate; nevertheless, their determination makes allows us to enjoy life and freedom in America. Unfortunately, as we become increasingly removed from our history through lack of accurate, historical information, we respond to the struggle and sacrifice of men and women who fought with casual indifference. “They lived 60…80…100 years ago,” we shrug. “How does that affect me?”

Think of it this way: my great-grandmother lived 100 years ago. Her life and decisions affect me tremendously, even though I didn’t know her personally. If she had moved to California instead of Oklahoma, she wouldn’t have married my great-grandfather, and I wouldn’t exist. If she had married a bootlegger instead of a preacher, my life would be vastly different. Every choice made by my great-grandmother, grandpa and mother is woven into my life history and makes me who I am today. Not knowing or ignoring my history does not eliminate its influence on me.

By the time Jesus died on the cross more than 2000 years ago, He had trained hundreds of men and women, and sent them throughout the world to do and teach what He had taught them. This impacts us and our world today because: People transformed by the life and teachings of Jesus understand the ultimate value of human life. Aborted babies would tell you that someone not honoring this principle had a huge impact on their life. My great-grandma, who loved Jesus, taught her son to honor life, who taught his daughter tohonorlife,andshebecamemymother. Iamalive because they learned and practiced what Jesus taught 2000 years ago.

Jesus modeled and taught the necessity of sexual purity. Our physical and emotional health is protected by obedience to Him in this essential principle. STD’s, post-abortion trauma and the deep emotional damage caused by sexual promiscuity are current, visible evidences of the harm caused by rejecting His sacrifice and His two-centuries-old teachings.

Our medical system has its earliest roots in Jesus’ teaching about mercy and compassion. Those in third-world countries who have received desperately needed treatment and medicine because Christian missionaries and volunteers cared, absolutely know that Jesus’ life and death 2000 years ago makes a difference now.

Slavery in any form is rooted in selfish immaturity. Abolition of addictions—slavery to sex, food, chemicals, power, people-approval and many other things—is accomplished by recognizing the immeasurable value God has conferred on every human being. Jesus died and rose from death to purchase freedom for every individual in every century and every country. It makes a difference today.

American women are able to vote and own property because in1848, Christian women began building on the foundation of honor toward women that Jesus put in place 2000 years ago, as He modeled respect toward women in a culture that valued animals more highly than their wives and daughters. When we know Jesus personally through salvation, study His life and teachings, and let Him live His life through us, our life experience will be radically changed, and we will continue the impact on the world that Jesus began 2000 years ago.

Call 580-774-2884 to learn more about how loving Jesus can change your life now and influence generations to come through your Godly choices.

