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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 8:24 AM


May is the month we celebrate a very select and specific group of women. To be a part of this elite community, one must be born with a very specialized ability: ovaries and a womb that are capable of conceiving and carrying a new human life to birth. The term “mother” applies equally to a biological woman who cannot conceive, but enters motherhood through fostering or adoption. Being a mother is often wonderfully rewarding and often diffi cult and painful. In Genesis, after the first man and woman disobeyed God, He told the woman, “You will bear children with painful effort.” God was referring not only the pain of childbirth, but the pain of mothering in a world that opposes and demeans life and godliness at every turn.

May is the month we celebrate a very select and specific group of women. To be a part of this elite community, one must be born with a very specialized ability: ovaries and a womb that are capable of conceiving and carrying a new human life to birth. The term “mother” applies equally to a biological woman who cannot conceive, but enters motherhood through fostering or adoption. Being a mother is often wonderfully rewarding and often diffi cult and painful. In Genesis, after the first man and woman disobeyed God, He told the woman, “You will bear children with painful effort.” God was referring not only the pain of childbirth, but the pain of mothering in a world that opposes and demeans life and godliness at every turn.

The third stanza from the poem, “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle” says: “Women, how divine your mission, here upon our natal sod; Keep, O keep the young heart open always to the breath of God!

All true trophies of the ages are from the mother love impearled; For the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”

Mothering a child according to God’s instructions influences not only the child, but thousands throughout generations. When the influence is careful, thoughtful and Godly, families and culture is changed for the better. When the influence is careless, selfish and negligent, families and culture are damaged beyond repair.

Abraham Lincoln was cared for by his birth mom until her death when he was nine. His father, Tom, married Sarah soon after, and she carefully nurtured young Abe spiritually. She cultivated his love of learning and his compassion for people in the context of Christian faith. Both of these women had a powerful influence on the kind of man he became, and how he carried out his responsibilities as President.

Adolf Hitler was born to parents who were cousins. His father was abusive; his mother doted on him and coddled him, indulging his every whim. He grew spoiled and entitled, and with no spiritual direction to guide him, became increasingly headstrong and cruel when his mother died from breast cancer. But the damage had been done by years of selfishness and overindulgence, and Hitler began to seek more control and greater power.

Jezebel, queen of Israel, was an evil, wicked woman. Her daughter, Athalia, who was carefully schooled by Jezebel in her mother’s wicked ways, defended her seat on the throne by mercilessly slaughtering all her grandsons but one. Joash was hidden in the palace by a nurse for seven years, until Athalia was killed. Seven-year-old Joash ascended the throne, reigning in Godliness for many years.

Mary, mother of Jesus, raised Jesus carefully to respect and honor the God of Israel. By 12 years of age, He knew why He came, and what He was to accomplish for and as the human race. “And He went down with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother closely guarded all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and understanding. He grew in stature and years, and in favor with God and man.” Luke_ These mothers radically impacted humanity—some for good and some for evil. Each mother has that opportunity. The key is raising each child in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4).

Little girls need instruction on how to become the mothers God designed them to be. Paul said: “Bid the older women similarly to be reverent as becomes those engaged in sacred service, not slanderers or slaves to drink. They are to give good counsel and be teachers of what is right and noble, so that they will wisely train the young women to be sane and sober of mind and to love their husbands and their children,” Titus_ Call 580-774-2884 to learn how Infinite Grace Ministries can help build strong, Godly relationships.

