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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 9:52 AM

Erick Minutes

The Board of Education, Erick Independent School District Number 51, County of Beckham, State of Oklahoma, met in regular session May 8, 2023 in the board conference room. President, Jessica Lyons called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present were Justin Miller, Will Laster, and Colby Holland.

Also present were Chris Grimm, Superintendent; Marty Woolsey, Minute Clerk; Brian Collins, High School Principal; Colby  crash, Elementary Principal, and guest Joshua Bussey, Lindsay Coker, Brian Coker, Jalie Needham, Danny Miller, Jaci Needham, Louise Schamme, Julie Needham, Mari Blananco, James Bonham & Adeline Bonham


Administer the Oath of Offi ce for elected member, Mr. Brandon Bussey, seat #3


Reorganization of the Erick Board of Education

Justin Miller made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to reorganize the board as follows: President – Jessica Lyons, Vice President – Justin Miller & Clerk – William Laster. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Public Input

Mr. & Mrs. Bonham introduced themselves and talked about interest in starting a learning center. Brian Coker, Josh Bussey and Danny Miller talked about their concerns with the loss of teachers in core class areas. Julie Needham spoke about an issue that involved the flag and lack of consistency in discipline.


Justin Miller made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve the minutes as written for the April 3, 2023 regular meeting. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland – yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Will Laster made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to approve the general fund purchases orders 213- 222, building fund purchase order #14 and bond fund purchase order #3, corresponding warrants and change orders increasing previously encumbered amounts. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve a resolution modifying the Class of 2023 activity fund allowable uses. Once the account has been reconciled and all payment have been made the remaining funds will be split evenly between the seniors to purchase items for continuing education. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Colby Holland made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve Angie French as District Treasurer for SY24. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Will Laster seconded approving the Hiland Milk bid for SY24. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Colby Holland made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve the Temporary Estimate of Needs for SY24 per auditor. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve contract with Great Plains Medical Center for PT/OT services for SY24. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Will Laster made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to approve contract with Multiple Communications, PLLC for speech services for the SY24. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Will Laster seconded a motion to approve technology support and networking contract with Alliance Network Solutions for SY24. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried


Justin Miller made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to approve membership in the OSSBA Policy Services for SY24. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Colby Holland made and Justin Miller seconded a motion to approve membership in the OSSBA School Membership Program for the SY24. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to approve membership in the OSSBA Employment Services for SY24. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Will Laster made and Justin Miller seconded a motion to approve membership in OPSRC for the SY24. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to approve contract with Dakin Harris for Driver’s Education Summer School SY23. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Colby Holland made and Justin Miller seconded a motion to convene in executive session to discuss rehiring of Certifi ed Teachers on Temporary and/or Continuing contracts for SY24 per list in item #21. . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Acknowledge the return for the board from executive session.

Will Laster stated “the board convened into executive session at 8:19pm. All members were present in executive session. the board met in executive session to discuss rehiring of Certifi ed Teachers on Temporary and/ or Continuing contracts for SY24, per list in item #21. No action was taken by the board in executive session. thee board returned to open session at 9:44pm


Colby Holland made and Justin Miller seconded a motion to employ the following: Katie Austin (temporary), Racheal Wing (continuing), and Ben Hayes (temporary). . Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Justin Miller made and Colby Holland seconded a motion to accept resignations from the following: Tiffi any Hayes, Dakin Harris, Amy Janz, Justin Janz, Amanda Whitten and Sheana thompson. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried.


Superintendents Report 1. OSSBA conference in August 2. Red Sky will be here on Wednesday, May 15th with site manager. 3. Accreditation complete with no defi ciencies. 4. Student count 201 pk - 12


Principal’s Reports Brian Collins 1. Testing complete 2. TSA State 3. Awards assembly 1pm Tuesday, May 9th 4. Semester Testursday, May 11th 5. Last day of school is Friday, May 12th 6. Driver’s education class begins May, 15th Colby crash 1. Testing complete 2. End of year trips 3. Awards assembly Tuesday, May 9th


New Business None


Will Laster made and Justin Miller seconded a motion to adjourn. Members voted Bussey – yes, Holland - yes, Laster – yes, Lyons – yes, Miller – yes – Motion carried

The board was adjourned at 10:07 p.m. to meet next on June 5, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the board conference room of the Erick Schools Administration Building, 325 S. Pine, Erick, OK 73645



