This is the time every four years that Americans get especially worked up about the political climate in our country. Emails concerning the upcoming election and how believer should be involved increase! Here’s an example: “Dr. Dixie, politics fascinate me. I’ve been told I shouldn’t be involved in that corrupt atmosphere, but I think if Christians aren’t involved, it’ll get worse. Was Jesus involved in politics? Should we be?”
Political involvement is like any other area in which we get to make choices—there’s no hard and fast “rule”. Avoiding any profession simply because of the probability of corruption guarantees that we will never hold a job, build a business or even volunteer! It’s true that greed and corruption are frequently a part of politics. But dishonesty, fraud and wrongdoing also proliferate in medical, educational, and business systems, as well as within religious frameworks.
Jesus remained politically uninvolved because He didn’t come to set up an earthly kingdom. His disciples apparently expected Him to work through the established political and religious systems to bring about the change He desired. When He steadfastly refused, they struggled to understand His different approach, and ultimately, for a time, denied Him and fled from the scene of His arrest. (Mark 14:48-52) Even though Jesus didn’t hold public office or support a political agenda, He clearly impacted many who were involved in every system, simply by teaching them to carry out their legitimate professions, including politics, with an eternal, “Kingdom of God” mindset.
Each individual has God-designed, natural talents and supernatural gifts (Hebrews 12:4-11). Personal interests are developed in the context of growing up. We are given the privilege of choosing how, when and where to use the gifts. Throughout human history, God has strategically placed His specially gifted people in every moral, legitimate profession.
Jesus’ ministry included men and women from every walk of life, and He didn’t condemn anyone for normal participation in everyday life. For example: · Military:Jesusdidn’ttelltheRomancenturion to leave the army (Matthew 8:5-13) · Medicine:Jesusdidn’ttellLuketostopbeing a doctor. Colossians 4:14 is evidence of Paul’s close friendship with Luke, “the beloved physician,” who knew Jesus intimately.
· Religion:Jesusdidn’ttellNicodemustoresign from the Sanhedrin (John 3:1-8) · Business:Jesusdidn’ttellJosephofArimithea, a wealthy businessman, to stop earning money.
· Education:Jesusdidn’ttelltheteachersofthe Law to stop teaching. Luke 2:43-46) Jesus did say that we are never to depend primarily upon a profession to accomplish what needs to be done, or to get our needs met. He told the rich young ruler to give away everything he owned, knowing that the young businessman was “possessed” by his money (Mark 10:20-23). He told the woman caught in adultery to stop that behavior because it was sin (John 8:33-11). He made it clear to the Pharisees that their misuse of power and wealth was wrong (Matthew 23:1-5).
Paul’s instruction (Colossians 3:17, 23-24), “Whatever you do, do all in the name of the Lord” obviously cannot include pole dancing, prostitution, murder, or extortion, just to name a few! But it does remind us that God calls His children to be involved in all aspects of life: to bring an awareness of God’s love into every area, including politics. Christ-followers are called to be salt (Matthew 5:13), preserving, healing, and creating thirst for the things of God. By our presence, we shine the light of God into the very dark places of our world (Matthew 5:14-16).
“God’s will and intention is, that by doing right, your good and honest lives should silence ignorant charges and ill-informed criticisms…live as free people, but don’t use your freedom as a pretext for wickedness. Live at all times as servants of God.”
Infinite Grace Ministries teaches how the loving, righteous judgment of God sets things right in our lives. Call 580-774-2884 for more information.