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Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 12:20 AM



I received this email this week: “Dr. Dixie, I am so frustrated by how HARD things are. Parenting is HARD, work is HARD, marriage is HARD…everything is HARD. I didn’t sign up for this! Why is life so demanding and miserable? I’m deeply disappointed with life and desperate for answers.”

Americans relentlessly pursue EASY because we believe “easy” and “better” are the same thing. This attitude is summed up in an old commercial for office products that features a bright red “easy button”. Push the button and PRESTO! All problems are solved. Commercials and 30-minute sit-coms reinforce the lie that there is a magic word, wand or pill that will fix everything in an instant, with no effort or change on our part.

So we’re offended that life doesn’t have an “easy button”; that we have to exert more effort than we want to in order to get what we think we deserve. But the Bible indicates that an untried, unchallenged life always produces a lack of spiritual and emotional tenacity.

Untested believers cannot effectively accomplish God’s work on earth because their focus is on self, not God. Difficult circumstances present us with the opportunity to choose to focus on God, just Adam and Eve were allowed to choose in Eden. Our choices, not our circumstances, determine whether we mature or continue in childishness.

James 1:3-4; Hebrews 10:36: “Understand that trials simply produce proof that your faith exists, by bringing out endurance, steadfastness and patience... now YOU LET this do a thorough work, so that you’ll be fully developed, lacking in nothing… for you need steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive fully what is promised.”

A strength trainer develops stronger muscles by lifting increasingly heavier weights. In the same way, greater spiritual and emotional endurance grows as we respond in a Godly way to adversity. When we escape into TV, internet, food, alcohol or drugs in an attempt to avoid discomfort, or when we push our personal responsibilities onto others, we stay self-centered and immature; spiritually “flabby” and weak.

Power and resistance are two essential ingredients for flight. As the engines push the airplane AGAINST the wind, lift is created and the plane soars into the sky. The awesome power of the Holy Spirit cannot operate when we sidestep the resistance of discomfort and difficulty. Always looking for the path of least resistance—the nonexistent “easy button”—keeps us stuck in self-centeredness; unable to soar fully into God’s best for us.

King David acknowledged the value of hard things: “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but after I was afflicted, I keep receiving, loving, and obeying Your Word.” (Psalm 119:67) We all “signed up for this” simply by being born into the human race. Life cannot ever be consistently easy or fair in a sin contaminated world, but no matter how or why the hard things come, God promises to be at work in each one for our benefit— not to make life easy but better, by bringing us to full maturity.

Biblical Guidance through Infinite Grace Ministries teaches how to live with Godly wisdom and determination in a sin-broken world, as we learn of God’s amazing love and tender compassion. Infinite Grace Ministries is a growing and vital ministry. In a dark world, where confusion and fear is constantly threatening, there is a desperate need for the light of the Word of God. The Board of Directors has established a plan to bring this essential ministry to the forefront of our communities again. Ministry appointments are available with Dr. Dixie, Robert Huckleberry and Ellen Vanderveer. Call 580 774 2884 and talk to Kendra about dates and times.

