There are four lies (among many) so often repeated that we’ve become accustomed to them and accept them as truth. They are: (1) Everything happens for a reason; (2) If it’s supposed to happen, it’ll happen; (3) It happened, so I guess it’s meant to be and (4) It is what it is. The statements are intended to give comfort and assurance but there is no lasting benefit in a lie, no matter how often it’s repeated.
This way of thinking is not new. In the Fifties, Doris Day’s beautiful voice sang a deadly lie to millions: “Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be....” and even Christians learned to believe that we are helpless to influence the direction life takes; that we are like bugs on a windshield that “just happened” to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This wrong belief is called “fatalism” and is the foundational lie upon which false religions are built. Webster’s defines fate as “an inevitable and usually adverse outcome.” Fatalism teaches that our destiny is predetermined by an impersonal god/force, and that our choices, because they are predetermined, don’t really change anything. Accepting the fatalism lie as truth creates a helpless, paralyzed hopelessness, even though it’s a lie Because God is personal, and deeply interested in both our choices and outcomes, He says, “No! Life is not predetermined for you! At salvation, I gave you the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). I have given you the ability to reason; to choose between life and prosperity or death and constant failure (Deuteronomy 30:15). You choose.” We have been given the incredible privilege of “writing our history” through our choices, in partnership with God.
We are not helpless bugs randomly smashed on the windshield of life! Through salvation, we are God’s beloved children, created in His image; recreated in the image of His Son (Ephesians 4:22-24). We are able to seek His wisdom and make thoughtful, intelligent choices that create abundant life; filled with meaning and purpose.
Prosperity is defined as “a flourishing, successful, thriving condition”. Wecreateandreceivethrivingsuccess by fixing our minds on God’s way of thinking in our decision- making (Colossians 3:1-3). God empowers us to be confident (2 Corinthians 3:4-5) and successful (Deuteronomy 8:18). We choose a thriving life by behaving toward others with generosity (1 Timothy 6:18); with kindness and forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32) and by treating others as we want to be treated (Luke 6:31) On the other hand, we perpetuate our own misery through resentment and vengeful choices (Luke 6:33-36). We create the death of despair by choosing discontentment, ingratitude and a hopeless mindset (James 4:2-3).
To make life-creating choices, we must realize: Trouble in a sin-contaminated earth is inevitable (John 16:33); misery is not.
Suffering is unavoidable (1 Thessalonians 3:4); constant weariness and complaining is chosen. (Philippians 2:14: “Do everything without complaining and arguing.”) We can’t choose how or where we’re born but we can choose how we live life (Deuteronomy 30:19).
We can’t choose never to die physically, but we can determine where we’ll live when our bodies die (John 3:1618).
Our understanding of what God is like in life’s difficulties will determine if we create life—joy and prosperity; or death—despair and depression. Whether we experience vibrant living or become mired in misery is not determined by the intensity of our circumstances, but by our attitude during circumstances. “Come to Me,” Jesus said, “when you are weary and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest…I will ease, relieve and refresh your mind, will and emotions…for My yoke is useful, gracious and pleasant…My burden is light and easy to be born.” (Matthew 11:28-30 Amplified) Call 580-774-2884 to schedule a appointment with Dr. Dixie, Robert Huckleberry or Ellen Vanderveer today. Their knowledge of how Biblical wisdom applies in a practical way is life-changing.