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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM


I received this email recently. “Dr. Dixie, a friend of mine began to make some really bad choices about a year ago. She hurt a lot of people, but when anyone tries to talk to her about it, she just shrugs and says, ‘The devil made me do it.’ I think she’s being flippant and refusing to take responsibility for her poor choices. She really seems to believe she couldn’t help it. Who’s right?”

In the early ‘70’s, comedian Flip Wilson popularized the saying, “the devil made me do it” through the character ‘Geraldine’. That lie lingers on T-shirts, billboards and refrigerator magnets and because we’ve heard or read it often, we’ve become convinced that it’s probably true that we’re helpless before sin and satan. It reminds me of the woman who agreed with her husband that she would drastically reduce her spending until they could retire their credit card debt. Not long after their discussion, her husband came home to find a new dress on the couch. “But honey,” he protested, I thought we agreed that you’d cut your spending!” “We did!” she said defensively. “And I’ve really tried. But I saw this dress, and thought it wouldn’t hurt to just try it on. I was looking in the mirror, and I was so tempted, so I said, ‘Get behind me, satan.’ And he said, ‘I’m already behind you, and it looks even better from this side!’” We laugh, but the Bible makes it clear that satan cannot force his desires on humankind. He can only deceive us into making destructive choices. Through our life in Christ, we receive discernment to recognize the lying temptations. Whatever the temptation, the power of God in us is more than enough for us to say “Yes!” to God and “No!” to the temptation.

“You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.…the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death…” 1 John 4:4; Rom 8:2 We are clearly instructed to make choices concerning life, which comes through obedience to God; and death, which comes from obeying the flesh desires that demand, “I want what I want; how and where and when I want it. Give it to me now!”

Galatians 6:8; “He who sows to his own flesh, will reap decay, ruin and destruction; but he who sows to the Spirit reap eternal life… I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. (You) choose life…(you) love the Lord your God, (you) obey Him, and (you) remain faithful to Him. For He is your life… Deut 30:19-20 Our court system is bogged down by frivolous lawsuits as people try to avoid consequences of their own choices—blaming voices in their heads, other people, hormones, the weather, the devil and God.

In Christ, we’ve been set free from the power of sin and satan, and we’re empowered by His triumphant resurrection and ascension to the Throne. Therefore, every believer is clearly responsible to listen to the Lord, and make choices for life according to His Word. When we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, the devil cannot make us do anything. We choose.

FROM DR. DIXIE: Infinite Grace Ministries is growing again! As a result of the devastating stroke that knocked me off my feet four years ago, I have been unable to take care of the details involved in operating this ministry. Now, our Board of Directors is being rebuilt, and a plan is in place to bring this essential ministry before our communities again. Ministry appointments are available with Dr. Dixie, Robert Huckleberry and Ellen Vanderveer. Call 580 774 2884 and talk to Kendra about dates and times.

