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Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 8:38 PM

Beckham/Roger Mills Unit of Oklahoma Retired Educators

Judy Haught, Vice President of Beckham/Roger Mills Unit of OREA, welcomed retired educators to the May 10, 2024 meeting. She greeted members, Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, June Lovelace, Suzanne Walker, Dennis McRee, Stephanie Malone, Janice Mollet, Jan Attocknie, Mary Fern Carpenter, Tana Feldman, Gwen Pasby and Carla Garrison.

Judy Haught, Vice President of Beckham/Roger Mills Unit of OREA, welcomed retired educators to the May 10, 2024 meeting. She greeted members, Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, June Lovelace, Suzanne Walker, Dennis McRee, Stephanie Malone, Janice Mollet, Jan Attocknie, Mary Fern Carpenter, Tana Feldman, Gwen Pasby and Carla Garrison.

June gave the invocation. Judy led the flag salutes.

June presented the devotional. It was a lovely tribute to teachers, who played an important part in the lives of their students. She asked everyone to think of a favorite teacher and remember why he or she was special and memorable. June ended her devotional with a prayer.

The minutes were approved as presented. Carla made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Tana seconded it and the motion carried.

In the Scholarship report, Suzanne shared that the 202425 OREA scholarship will be offered during the 2024 fall semester of student teaching. If there are no applicants, the scholarship will be offered in the spring semester of 2025. Glenda reported that there are 71 members. She also shared the Membership Minute, which states that OREA members can enjoy the travel benefits of MASA. More information on MASA or Travel through Passport is available through OREA.org under Benefits. Eleven members turned in 1,722 Volunteer hours for the past year. In the Legislative report, it was noted that the COLA Bill did not pass.

Gwen made a motion to nominate the current slate of officers by acclamation for 202425. Jan seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Judy, Jan, Carla, Dennis, June, and Stephanie volunteered to contact area schools for names of recent retirees.

Members are encouraged to offer ideas or suggestions for programs next year that would be of interest to retired educators.

Program by Judy Memorial Service for Retired Educators In Memory of Leavy Leroy Bruce, Jerry Ray Burrows, Joella Walker Hundley, Marsha Ann Luttmer, Frankie Wade Minton, Leroy Sanders, Betty Lavonne Sheperd, Ray Dean Sites, April Lea Steele, Jerry Linn Thompson and Ophie Colene Trent.

Scripture: Isaiah: 40:2831 Message: The Power of Hope, Judy Haught Bell Ceremony: Cathy Lewis, Glenda Ivins,JudyHaught Music: “Sanctuary” Closing Prayer: Judy Haught The next meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2024 at Elk City United Methodist Church, 10:00 a.m. OREA Board of Directors Meeting is May 15, 2024. Gwen congratulated Jan for being our VIM. Mary Fern won the door prize. Judy adjourned the meeting. All area, retired educators are welcome to attend the local OREA meetings.


Beckham County Record