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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 8:59 PM

Ignorance is not bliss

Too many believers die slowly and prematurely through ignorance of the methods used by satan to destroy lives. A primary tool he employs is cultural lies we’ve learned to believe as truth.

Too many believers die slowly and prematurely through ignorance of the methods used by satan to destroy lives. A primary tool he employs is cultural lies we’ve learned to believe as truth.

Remaining ignorant of our ignorance is not bliss—it’s deadly. As I mention areas that have increasingly eroded personal responsibility, I certainly do not believe that education, medicine and organized spiritual training is useless! God works through these fields to enhance the wisdom we should be gaining from studying God’s Word daily and becoming intimate with Him. But until we make up our minds to depend on God first; then exert ourselves to absorb and apply readily available information for living healthy, meaningful lives, the devil is free to destroy. We give him permission through apathy and ignorance.

Americans have been conditioned over decades to believe that only “experts” are qualified to make correct decisions concerning our lives. Consequently, many believe that only “educators” can teach our children. However, God, the Designer of families, clearly says that parents are the most vital educators a child can have. Ignorance of our parental authority has left our children vulnerable to an educational system, at least 30 hours a week, in which even those employees who love God are not allowed to mention His Name.

Many Christians believe that only “spiritual experts”— pastors or teachers with a seminary degree—can understand and teach the Word of God. That’s a lie! God’s Word is designed so simply that anyone who desires to learn can absorb and share God’s life changing Truth. Religion and pride complicates the simplicity of knowing God. Ignorance keeps people from intimacy with God and prevents sharing the Good News with others.

Political “experts” insist they know what is best for our personal lives. Because of ignorance of our God-given spiritual authority, we sigh apathetically: “There’s not much one person can do.” God says the fervent prayer of one righteous person accomplishes great things (James 5:16).

Medical and mental health “experts” have encroached deeply into areas that previously came under the purview of spiritual guidance. Emotions like normal sadness, resulting from losses that are inevitable in a sin-broken world, now have a “disorder” label. Supposedly these can only be resolved with the latest “solution” presented by drug companies who don’t acknowledge God as healer. At one time it was correctly understood that forgiving one who had caused hurt was the most basic and important foundation for healing depression and anxiety.

Nutrition is seldom recognized as the primary solution for the myriad of physical conditions—including diabetes, cancer and heart disease—that result from poor dietary habits. Ignorance of God’s infinite desire and willingness to provide for every need has sucked many into a whirlpool of dangerous chemicals—legal and illegal.

Psalm 103:2-8: Praise the Lord, my soul! Don’t forget even one of His benefits! He forgives every iniquity, heals each one of your diseases, redeems your life from corruption: dignifying and crowning you with loving-kindness and tender mercy. He satisfies with good at every age so that your youth is renewed like the strong, soaring eagle… the Lord is merciful, gracious, slow to anger; plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness.

Let’s determine to reject ignorance and choose life!

Infinite Grace Ministries teaches freedom from ignorance by focusing on the wisdom and knowledge of God’s Word. By praying and giving financially, you are an essential part of this ministry of hope.

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