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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 11:49 PM

Satan’s Roundup

I recently received this email from a worried parent: Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. We know it best as Roundup: a chemical most effective when sprayed on plants at the height of their growth cycle; when they’re full of rainwater, the sun is shining brightly and leaf structure is at its peak.

I recently received this email from a worried parent: Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. We know it best as Roundup: a chemical most effective when sprayed on plants at the height of their growth cycle; when they’re full of rainwater, the sun is shining brightly and leaf structure is at its peak.

Water infused with Roundup looks like plain water. It has a barely noticeable odor, but when sprayed on weeds, it sparkles like clear, pure water. Because the bright sunshine is warm, weeds are looking for water, and when glyphosate- water is sprayed on the leaves, the thirsty plant absorbs it eagerly. For a while, it appears that nothing has changed. However, the poison in the water slowly affects the roots of the plant, and, over a period of several days, the plant turns yellow and dies.

Rev 8:10-12 (HCSB): The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from heaven. It fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water. The star’s name is Wormwood, and a third of the waters became wormwood. So, many of the people died from the waters, because they had been made bitter.

Water in the Bible often refers to philosophies. Jesus refers toHimselfasLivingWater(John4:10;Revelation21:6). The world’s philosophies have been poisoned by Satan’s Roundup; a deadly philosophy that doesn’t seem dangerous, and doesn’t smell too badly at first. Through secular schools, TV, internet, books and religious systems that oppose the truth of God’s Word, the minds of young people are “sprayed” by the sparkling water of his poisonous philosophy.

Our children are exposed to sex too early and in ways that totally disregard God’s design for one man and one woman for life.

They grow up in homes that are repeatedly broken by violence and unfaithfulness.

They are taught entitlement: “I deserve better than I have, and you owe it to me!”

They learn to believe they must be perfect for people and God to accept and love them.

Satan attacks subtly; offering distractions that feel so good to our immature, selfish flesh at a time when our minds are most active and vulnerable. Satan has done a masterful job of training the spiritually ignorant to believe that sex whenever and with whomever is OK because it feels good. Currently, very few young Americans remain virgins until marriage; facing ridicule if they make that choice.

Through the influence of a godless educational and social system and indulgent parents, Satan has carefully trained young people to believe that chemicals and sex are the “fun we deserve before we become adults.” A shrug of helpless resignation acknowledges the belief that college is party time for the full five or six years it now takes to achieve a four-year degree.

