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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 3:01 PM

Commissioners Tackle Dilapidated Structures and Approve Purchases

The Elk City Commissioners met for their regular bi-monthly meeting, Wed, March 20th, at 2 p.m. in City Hall. All commissioners and the mayor were present for the meeting. They began with a public hearing concerning three properties located at 605 W. 10th, 521 S. Adams, and 409 N. Main. City Inspector Jackie Addington presented the commissioners with information concerning each structure.
Commissioners Tackle Dilapidated  Structures and Approve Purchases
Pump track completed and ready for use

The Elk City Commissioners met for their regular bi-monthly meeting, Wed, March 20th, at 2 p.m. in City Hall. All commissioners and the mayor were present for the meeting. They began with a public hearing concerning three properties located at 605 W. 10th, 521 S. Adams, and 409 N. Main. City Inspector Jackie Addington presented the commissioners with information concerning each structure.

The one located on 10th Street was a trailer house, and Addington said he was unable to locate the owners. The owner of the structure located on N. Adams was present and told the commissioners he wanted more time to look into the cost of repairs. The final structure on N. Main was represented by a relative of the deceased owner. He said he had made repairs several years ago, and he would bring his aunt to the next meeting because he was not the owner.

After the public hearing concluded, the commissioners approved the minutes from the March 4th meeting. They then voted on the structures discussed in the public hearing. They approved declaring the structure at 605 W. 10th to be dilapidated and detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and ordered the removal.

The structure at 521 S. Adams was tabled until June 18th, so the owner can get estimates of repairs. The house at 409 N. Main was tabled until the April 17th meeting so that an aunt could be present because the individual representing the house was not the homeowner.

The next item on the agenda was the approval of Resolution No. 2024-2: A resolution applying for Grants and Accepting Grant offers from the US Dept. of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. This bill needed to be passed to move forward with the construction of the airport terminal and the grant for building it.

The commissioners approved the bid from Rush Truck Center for a 2024 Clean Diesel Trash Truck in the amount of $340,050, a budgeted item. This is a 75/25 grant with Elk City paying 25 percent of the total. They could be getting additional grant funds because the cost of the truck increased from the original bid.

They also approved payment to Lochner for invoices FFA Grant 3-040-0027-0242023 Design Taxi lanes for Hangar development for a total of $9,500, a budgeted item. A quote from Excel Machinery, Ltd. for repairs to the rock yard conveyor in the amount of $21,644.45 was approved.

The commissioners tabled declaring the structure dilapidated at 602 N. Oklahoma until May 22nd. It had previously been tabled from Dec. 30th. They also tabled the structure at 114 Merritt until June 18th. The owners were present and told the commissioners they were planning on fixing the property.

The Purchase Orders FY 23-24 and recurring invoices for March 20th were approved. Marnie Tosh, Sports Promotion and Marketing, presented her supervisor’s report. She explained the program Placer.AI that provides her information about who is attending sports and other events in town. She said she was impressed with the data that was provided by the program.

City Manager, Tom Ivester, gave the city manager’s report. He began with project updates concerning the airport terminal and hangar, which the waterline and sewer lines extension were approved. They are within 60 to 90 days, therefore, right on schedule.

He also talked about the police department remodel and fire station remodel. They will be preparing the utilities and proceeding for relocation of the sewer lines. There was an issue with the potential need for a storm shelter within the police department, but Ivester said it had been dealt with.

The downtown remodel will be rebidding in April. He is working with DOT representative Will Snipes.

Ivester also said that the contract with Kids, Inc, will be up at the end of June. The commissioners will need to vote on a new contract, which will be on the agenda. He was contacted by two other interested parties. Ivester asked them to put together a proposal and then he would put on the agenda. They have not come back to him with the proposals.

City Treasurer Jennifer Rainey gave the commissioners an updated financial report. She said that they are at 67 percent, which means they are spending a little over budget. She also reported that the sales tax was down by a small bit this month, but the previous year had been up.

During public comments there was concern about the fire department’s testing that left the residents of Fairview Village without water. The commissioners could not speak on the matter, but suggested it be put on the agenda.

With no other guests slated to speak, they adjourned this meeting at 3:09 p.m.

