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Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 8:46 PM

Oklahoma Retired Educators Meeting

OREA Members Suzanne Walker, Tana Feldman, Larry Long, Becky Newlin, June Lovelace, Janice Mollet, Linda Long, Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, Stephanie Malone, Karen Whitely, Jan Attocknie, Dennis McRee, Sharon Gilliland and Gwen Pasby gathered with guests Pam and Dean Holland for the March 8th meeting. President Linda Long welcomed those in attendance and called the meeting to order. June gave the invocation. Cathy led the USA Flag salute and the State of Oklahoma Flag salute.

OREA Members Suzanne Walker, Tana Feldman, Larry Long, Becky Newlin, June Lovelace, Janice Mollet, Linda Long, Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, Stephanie Malone, Karen Whitely, Jan Attocknie, Dennis McRee, Sharon Gilliland and Gwen Pasby gathered with guests Pam and Dean Holland for the March 8th meeting. President Linda Long welcomed those in attendance and called the meeting to order. June gave the invocation. Cathy led the USA Flag salute and the State of Oklahoma Flag salute.

Greg Hartman, OSU Extension Agent, presented the program, “Butterflies and Pollinators”. He stated that in the last decade, monarch butterfly populations have plummeted at an alarming rate, due to habitat loss and other factors. Sadly, they continue to decline. Because monarchs and other butterflies help pollinate our crops, their habitat needs to be protected so food can continue to be grown. Oklahoma is centrally located in the monarch migration flyway. In the spring, monarchs migrate north through Oklahoma and the Great Plains to Canada in search of milkweed plants, on which they lay their eggs. In the fall, they fly back through Oklahoma and the Great Plains south to Mexico to spend the winter. One of the ways Okies can help Monarchs’ food supply is by planting native milkweed plants and other Monarch-friendly native plants.

There were no March birthdays to celebrate. Jan Attocknie presented the devotional by comparing pollinator honey bees to Christians. She referred to Isaiah 55:10-11. God can use people to spread the good news and God can use honey bees to pollinate the crops.

The minutes were approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.

In the scholarship report, Suzanne mentioned the two applicants for the OREA $600 Scholarship. Gwen made a motion to present each applicant with a scholarship. Jan seconded it, the motion passed. In the membership report, Glenda reported 71 members. She also shared the Membership Minute in which OREA members can receive the benefit of a medical alert service. Connect America offers significant discounts on small, discreet medical alert devices that give you access to emergency response 24/7 with just the press of one HELP button. For more information, contact Connect America at 800.404.5869 or visit www. connectamerica. com/ amba. Becky reminded members that March is the deadline for turning in volunteer hours.

Linda gave the Legislative report noting that legislators are busy. She mentioned the status of several bills, with COLA Bills #1277and #1290 remaining at the top of the list for retired educators. District Director, Pam Holland, shared information from the Capitol including SB 1625. Senior Day at the Capitol is March 11.

The next meeting of this OREA Unit is April 12, 10:00 a.m. at Elk City United Methodist Church. Retired educators in this area are invited to attend the local meetings. The VIM will be selected at this meeting. Sabra Tucker, OREA Executive Director plans to give the legislative update, which will also serve as the program. Cindy Wood will share the devotional. March 27 is the date for the OREA Board Meeting.

Cathy won the door prize.

Linda adjourned the meeting.


Beckham County Record