Getting fourth grade students to enjoy book reports has been a task for teachers since the first ones were assigned generations ago.
The task can be tedious to say the least. Sayre Elementary teacher Melissa Lewman brainstormed a way to make the experience more enjoyable for the students and their parents. The end result was shown to parents last week.
“Well, we decided to do the Wax Museum,” Lewman said.
The concept was simple. The students could pick books on various people in American history from politicians to athletes to super stars. Some are long dead while others are still out making headlines.
“But, the catch is, the student had to learn these things about them, dress up as them, and then write a small paragraph summary on an index card to be able to read. I wanted them to practice before hand so it didn’t sound like the first time they had said it,” Lewman said.
The class then invited their parents and other friends and family. When someone came by and pushed their “button,” they would tell about their historical figure.
“It was like going to a wax museum,” Lewman explained.
Lewman was surprised by the wide array students selected.
“Each card took about 30-60 seconds to hear,” she said. “I learned things about some of these figures I didn’t know. We worked on this for two weeks. My fellow teachers helped out. We will definitely do this again.”
Next week the fifth graders will take their turn with an art show.