With the devastating wildfi res raging in our neighboring state of Texas and spreading across western Oklahoma counties, Oklahoma’s fire departments have risen to the occasion to provide assistance.
I’m so grateful for the rural and local fire departments who have crossed state lines to assist with the wildfires. Carter, Delhi, Sayre, Texola, Elk City, and Canute are just a few that I wanted to mention, but I’m sure there are many more doing great work out there.
These firefighters have shown incredible bravery and determination, bringing their skills, equipment, and solidarity to confront this crisis head-on. That’s what Oklahoma is all about - lending a helping hand whenever it’s needed the most.
The wildfires are continuing to pose challenges in Oklahoma and Texas. However, it is second nature in Oklahoma to come together in challenging times, offering support and striving for the common good. The joint effort with our Texan neighbors speaks volumes about our shared values of community and resilience.
We spent the week finishing committee work and hearing bills on the House floor. The House passed House Bill 3462 off the floor; now, it is eligible to be heard by the Senate.
It directs the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, with assistance from the Department of Wildlife Conservation, to develop a pilot to enhance the genetic durability of Oklahoma deer against chronic wasting disease.
The goal is to proactively combat the spread of chronic wasting disease among Oklahoma’s deer population, aiming to protect public health and the state’s wildlife resources.
We will spend the next two weeks considering bills on the House floor. I plan to keep everyone updated on the significant legislation that gets passed.
I intend to continually keep you informed of what is happening at the Capitol. It is truly an honor and privilege to represent you at the State Capitol. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns at (405) 557-7312 or at [email protected].
Nick Archer, a Republican, serves House District 55 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian and Washita counties.