John the Apostle really knew the love of Jesus, and describes a believer’s exact likeness to Christ in a letter to the churches he pastored. About salvation he says, “In union with Christ, love is brought to completion…so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment. We can face Him with assurance and boldness, because as He is, so are we also in this world.” (1 John 4:17) We are like Jesus, without ever becoming Him.
Since we are identical to Jesus, why do we differ so much in thought and behavior? We find answers in twin studies; those identically formed from one egg; split at conception. They share common genes, but environmental differences increase as they age; making them an excellent source to gain understanding of how genes and environment contribute to certain traits, behaviors and diseases. For example, if both twins have the same disease, researchers examine shared genetics. When only one is sick, differences in environment are examined, increasing understanding of the impact of habitatonlifeexperience. Choicesmadefromtheenvironment surrounding us impacts our life experience at least as much as our knowledge of our DNA.
Since our spiritual conception and rebirth, our spiritual DNA is identical to Jesus. He eternally infused us with His righteousness, holiness and perfection at salvation. Greater understanding of our spiritual DNA increases our confidence that the DNA shared with Jesus is powerfully capable of overriding the influence of sinful environment. How we respond to life from our understanding of our spiritual DNA, greatly impacts our spiritual life experience.
Genetics factor into physical makeup and behavior, but environment greatly influences how our genetics are expressed. For example, identical twins may differ in size because of differing placental connections, or diet after they’re born. All believers are physically and spiritually identical to Jesus. But how we “eat” spiritually and how we’re trained intellectually and emotionally has a crucial impact on growth, and how we express our “salvation DNA” in lifestyle choices.
Jesus, fully human exactly as we are (Hebrews 2:17-18), lived His earthly life without ever choosing sin. At twelve, Jesus declared His intent to “be about His Father’s business.” He understood His spiritual DNA. He knew that He is holy and righteous because God is His Father.
Overall, believers aren’t carefully taught that because God is our Father, we are also holy and righteous in our spiritual DNA. Consequently, we make emotional choices out of our physical DNA and environment. Believing that we’re still sinners because we sin makes it feel impossible to change sinful behavior. How deeply and often we personally meditate on the truth that we’re identical to Christ determines how like Him we become in our behavior.
Paul warned us about spiritual enemies in high places, who constantly instill unworthy, worthless thoughts and feelings so we’ll continue to make unworthy, worthless choices. Because our spiritual DNA is identical to Jesus, we can shout, “I am God’s (son) or (daughter), and I don’t have to listen to the devil’s lie anymore!”
Jesus was born a helpless baby who, like us, was unaware of His own existence at first. Luke 2:52 tells us that Jesus grew in physical stature, knowledge and understanding. He was not born knowing He was God’s Son, destined to die for the world’s sin. He had to grow up in understanding His eternal DNA.
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. The Spirit Himself testifies together with our own spirit, assuring us that we are children of God…therefore be imitators of God, as well-beloved children imitate their father.” Romans 8:14,16 Ephesians_ To learn more about who you are in Christ and how your new DNA changes your life, call 580-774-2884.