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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 3:57 AM

Club DAR News

Vietnam Veterans, their families and friends gathered at the Roger Mills County Courthouse, March 29, 2023, to commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Washita Chapter NSDAR, a “Vietnam War Commemorative Partner”, hosted the ceremony to honor those present as well as all veterans.

Vietnam Veterans, their families and friends gathered at the Roger Mills County Courthouse, March 29, 2023, to commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Washita Chapter NSDAR, a “Vietnam War Commemorative Partner”, hosted the ceremony to honor those present as well as all veterans.

Doris Minor, Washita Chapter Commemorative Events chair,, opened the ceremony with Salute to the American Flag and a welcome for those attending. She then gave a brief history of the event. “The Vietnam Recognition Act of 2017 established the 29th day of March as a national day to recognize the previously unsung patriotism of our Vietnam veterans.” It honors all who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces from November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975. Service may have been in-country, in-theater or stationed else where during the Vietnam time period. “Each person serving during this time period earned and deserves our profound thanks”.

March 29 1973 was the official end of the Vietnam War. The following events that had previously taken place on that same date—1. U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, 2. Thelastcombattroopsdeployed Vietnam 3.Theday Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.

Alex Costea, (SGT USAF), also spoke and reviewed many facts and events during that time. He noted the number of deaths from major combats beginning with The American Revolution and ending with Iraq . Each of those who choose toserveare“equalandpreparedtogiveitall. Alexalsostated that “he would do it again without a second thought”.

Each veteran stood giving their names, military branch , rank where they served, all were invited to speak if they wished. Donnie Walker gave a short resume of his service.

Mrs. Minor closed the ceremony with the raising of the 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemorative flag


Beckham County Record