OREA members Stephanie Malone, Janice Mollet, Carla Garrison, Judy Haught, Cathy Lewis, Glenda Ivins, Gwen Pasby, Becky Newlin, Larry Long, and guests, Representative Nick Archer, Pam Holland and Dean Holland were welcomed to the first meeting of 2024 by President Linda Long.
Linda opened the meeting followed by Gwen giving the invocation and Judy leading the flag salutes.
The program was given by Representative Nick Archer. It is obvious that he represents the 55th district in a logical and knowledgeable manner. His comments and ideas regarding the Great State of Oklahoma were very positive and informative. Before returning to his busy schedule, Representative Archer was happy to answer a few questions from the members.
Judy presented the devotional by sharing a humorous newspaper article, “Changing My Religion”, featured in the November/December 2023 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. It was written by Philip Gulley, a Quaker Pastor and author of 22 books.
The minutes were approved as presented and the treasurer’s report was accepted as corrected.
In committee reports, the scholarship committee is accepting applications from SWOSU education majors doing student teaching in the spring semester. Glenda reported that membership is currently at 71 members. She also shared information from the Membership Minute, which focuses on Getting Your Financial House in Order. To learn more about the latest changes for 2024 that could affect one’s financial wellness, check out the OREA website (www.OREA.org) or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/TeaTimeOREA. As for volunteer hours, Becky encouraged members to turn them in at the next meeting or as soon as possible. Linda gave the legislative report and named three bills that are still alive and active, including HB 2171, HB 1290, and HB 1277.
District Director, Pam Holland addressed members and shared that Sabra Tucker, Executive Director of OREA, sent warm regards from the Capitol. She also noted that the Legislature resumes on February 5. For additional information, Pam recommends watching “Tea Time with Tucker”.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2024, Elk City United Methodist Church, 10:00 a.m. The program will be presented by Sandy Wheeler from the Candy Shack which is a local, hometown Elk City store. The devotional will be presented by Sharon Gilliland.
Linda mentioned that she has travel brochures from Collette Travel and Tours. She also noted that members could check out the benefits offered to OREA travelers. Glenda won the door prize and Linda adjourned the meeting in due form. Retired educators from this area are encouraged to attend the local meetings and support OREA, which benefits all Oklahoma teachers.