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Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 10:19 PM

Designing Your New Year

A bag of seed stored in the barn won’t produce a wheat crop as long as it’s in the barn. While in the barn, rodents, birds and bugs will gnaw away at the kernels until it can no longer produce abundantly, even when planted in the soil.

A bag of seed stored in the barn won’t produce a wheat crop as long as it’s in the barn. While in the barn, rodents, birds and bugs will gnaw away at the kernels until it can no longer produce abundantly, even when planted in the soil.

The Bible describes itself as seed (Matthew 13:19). When we don’t know the Word, we cannot sow it by speaking and cannot grow crops of abundant provision, healing or joy. Ignorance of the Word of God is the primary reason for the miserable, joyless, sick and poor lives so many believers experience. When we neglect to plant good seed (the Word) in good soil (our minds), the devil and his pests (demons) will come in and destroy the little we know, and sow the weedseed of ignorance, laziness, discouragement, bitterness and rage (Matthew 13:25-39).

We design our personal life experience by… …the influences we allow into our eyes, ears and mouths. Whatever our primary influence is will move us in particular direction, good or bad.

…the way we think is determined by the main influences around us. Who do you “hang-out” with? What do you watch or listen to? Our thinking is programmed by those things with which we choose to surround ourselves.

…how we feel is determined by what we think. The only way to change our emotions is to change how we think about a particular situation or life in general.

…our choices are determined by our emotions. Decisions are open doors to our life experience, good or bad.

…our habits are built by decisions and actions.

…our character is determined by habits.

…character determines life experience destination, good or bad.

We personally design most of our own life experience. If we’re dissatisfied with our experiences and desire change, it’s necessary to change our primary influences. : empty entertainment, negative or vulgar music and videos and unwise time choices on phones or online time are a few examples.

Word origins are interesting. To muse means to think. The prefix“a”or“ah”neutralizesthewordthatfollows. Theorigin of the word amuse (ah-muse) means to delude or deceive or to stare stupidly. Much of the entertainment that surrounds us cultivates the elimination of intelligent thought or reasoning, and encourages stupid staring. Louder noise and brighter lights neutralize intelligence, learning and the ability to concentrate.

To change our 2024 life experience… …change your primary influences in use-of-time, music, videos and ah-muse-ment. Determine to learn to think!

…change what you think about! Focus on God’s promises and what He desires for you to experience instead of focusing on what the devil wants to shove down your throat. The devil never wants you to think about what you’re thinking about.

…changing influence and thinking will change how you feel. Stop allowing yourself to be controlled by your emotions. Emotions don’t have a brain and cannot think!

…change your choices. More of what hasn’t worked in the past will not work better in the future!

…break old, destructive habits. Build new, constructive habits.

…be intentional about building character traits that agree with God’s Word rather than the surrounding culture.

While other people and their choices may have an impact on our lives, we cannot honestly blame others for our personal failure to exercise authority over our own life experience. Start 2024 with an intentional focus on God’s Word. The difference will amaze you!

Infinite Grace Ministries teaches freedom from ignorance and bondage by focusing on the wisdom and knowledge of God’s Word. By praying and giving financially, you are an essential part of this ministry of hope. Please consider Infinite Grace Ministries in your year-round giving! Your generosity is an eternal investment in this and future generations. Call 580-774-2884 for information about convenient auto-debit.

