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Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 3:42 AM

Elk City Commission Approves Lighting Update at Red Rock Baseball Field

The Elk City Commissioners met Monday evening at 7 p.m. in City Hall for their regular monthly meeting. Commissioner Rick Shelton stood in for Mayor Cory Spieker who was absent for the meeting. Rocky Andresen was also absent. After Shelton led the invocation, Jeff Waters led the flag salute.
Elk City Commission Approves Lighting Update at Red Rock Baseball Field
ECPS Superindent Mike Sparks and Brandon Culver, Culver Electric, talk to the Elk city Commission about lighing at the baseball field.

The Elk City Commissioners met Monday evening at 7 p.m. in City Hall for their regular monthly meeting. Commissioner Rick Shelton stood in for Mayor Cory Spieker who was absent for the meeting. Rocky Andresen was also absent. After Shelton led the invocation, Jeff Waters led the flag salute.

The first order of business was the approval of the minutes from the Nov. 15th meeting, followed by the approval of Ordinance No, 1261: An Ordinance of the City of Elk City, amending the Elk City Code of Ordinances: Chapter 20 Public Utilities, Section 20-7 Bills Due; When; Delinquency. City Manager Tom Ivester said that this was introduced at the last meeting, and it makes late payment, prior to becoming delinquent, must be paid by the 19th of each month, at 5 p.m.

The second item on the agenda was the consideration to approve or disapprove Ordinance 1262: An Ordinance vacating a right of way easement previously dedicated to the City of Elk City providing that invalidity of a part shall not invalidate the remainder; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. City attorney was present and recommended tabling the item to make it an introduction to the ordinance. In addition, they were to consider making it an emergency ordinance. It was not considered but tabled until a future meeting.

The commissioners approved the 2024 commission meeting dates and city employee holidays. Then they heard from Elk City Public Schools Superintendent Mike Sparks, who talked about the lighting at the Red Rock Baseball Stadium. He explained that he has coached in the stadium, and he believes it is a strong asset to the community. The biggest drawback to the facility is the lighting. He predicts that someone will get hurt because the lighting is out of date, and there is low visibility. The baseball field is owned by the City of Elk City, therefore, the school is financially not able to contribute that much to the upkeep. Sparks did commit to fixing the seating by removing the wooden bleachers and replacing them with aluminum.

Brandon Culver of Culver Electric then spoke to the commissioners about the current lighting equipment and what it would cost to upgrade it. He said that he was playing ball with his college aged son, and he was unable to catch the ball because of the dim lights. The commissioners then approved the bid from Culver Electric for installation and materials for lighting improvements in the amount of $115,900. Culver expects to be completing the job in the middle of January, depending on arrival of materials.

The commissioners also approved the bid for the 2012 Vancon Brand Vacuum Truck from Smith Hydrovac Services in the amount of $65,000.

The next item on the agenda was the consideration of declaring the structure located at 523 S. Van Buren dilapidated. City Inspector Jackie Addington spoke on behalf of the property and the work that has been completed. He said they have done a great job, and he recommended releasing the property from being on the list. The commissioners disapproved the item, freeing it from the dilapidated list.

The structure located at 943 W. 2nd, had been approved at a previous meeting to be dilapidated and the structure torn down. The owner and a contractor were present to discuss the structure because it was previously approved to be removed. The contractor went over the items that were going to be repaired and asked them to allow the owner the time to fix it. They commissioners tabled the item until Feb. 5th, to make sure they will be moving forward with the renovations.

The commissioners approved the Purchase Orders FY 23-24 and recurring invoices for Dec. 4th. There was discussion concerning the cost of streetlights and the number of them that are out. Ivester told the commissioners that PSO was under the franchise contract to maintain the streetlights.

Ivester’s City Manager report was brief. He mentioned the city employees’ Christmas party and invited the commissioners to the event. He also said that they are working on a new road at the landfill. Ivester reported that there were 118 kids at the library to see Mrs. Claus where there were only 58 in attendance last year. The next thing he talked about was a grant that was approved for a CNG trash truck, and they have not been available. Now the city can purchase a diesel trash truck, and they will be looking to purchase one. The last thing Ivester talked about was the activity at the Arrowhead Center that included kids’ tournaments and the Bulls’ game.

With no public comments, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

