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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 7:50 PM

Susan Powell Talks About Upcoming Performance

It is a rare opportunity to have one national celebrity perform in Elk City, but on Friday, Dec. 9th, at 7 p.m., two will be on stage at the Susan Powell Auditorium. Susan Powell and her husband, Richard White will be presenting, “A Hometown Christmas,” returning to the stage where Powell started her career. This special show has been sponsored by the Elk City Arts Council, the Elk City Chamber of Commerce, Elk City Tourism, as well as other local supporters.

It is a rare opportunity to have one national celebrity perform in Elk City, but on Friday, Dec. 9th, at 7 p.m., two will be on stage at the Susan Powell Auditorium. Susan Powell and her husband, Richard White will be presenting, “A Hometown Christmas,” returning to the stage where Powell started her career. This special show has been sponsored by the Elk City Arts Council, the Elk City Chamber of Commerce, Elk City Tourism, as well as other local supporters.

Powell has a professional career that is wellknown, locally, but White also has a profound resume that complements her talent. Seeing the couple on stage together is a chance to understand the level of talent the two bring to the stage. Powell appreciates the ability to bring him to Elk City for this performance.

“I am thrilled to be singing with my husband. We have always loved working together, which is not necessarily the case with all married couples who are both performers,” Powell began.

She continued to say, “Richard is my favorite person I’ve ever worked with on stage -period. Over the years we’ve sung countless concerts and performed many characters opposite each other in musicals, and I can honestly say, ‘Richard’s stage technique and the sound of his voice are unmatched in the business.’ If you have ever heard his amazing performance as Gaston in Disney’s original animated film Beauty and the Beast,’ you know what I am talking about. To be anywhere singing and working together at what we both do best is a privilege, but to be in my hometown with him is a particular joy.”

Powell believes that coming from Elk City helped determine her future success. She attributes the support from home as what has propelled her to reach for her dreams, throughout her life.

“Being raised in Elk City determined everything about my success. I always had the guidance and support of my teachers and my parents. The Red Carpet Community Theatre was fertile soil for my dreams, making theatre meaningful and so much fun. It seemed that any kind of performance opportunity that I created for myself, no matter how crazy it might have sounded, was supported, and encouraged,” she said.

She remembers wanting to do a concert her senior year of high school, and the Methodist Church cleared the sanctuary and transformed it into a stage for young Powell.

“It was a memorable night. The town of Elk City always celebrated my success and encouraged me to pursue my dreams,” Powell added.

This hometown show will be filled with Christmas sentiment. The music, arrangements, and performances will be melded by the couple’s professional style and expertise, especially with Powell’s personal music director coming with them.

“Our music director, Phil Reno, is a much sought after, beloved musician in New York City and has conducted countless Broadway shows, as well as multiple Christmas seasons of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. His keyboard skills will be on magnificent display that night. I have known Phil and worked with him for over forty years now. Mostly, we are planning to bring beautiful music, fun, and laughter to the evening’s festivities, Powell said.

Additionally, she talked about what to expect at the concert, “The audience for ‘A Hometown Christmas’ will be treated to some of the greatest Christmas music ever written and I assure you, the night will have something for everyone. One of the evening’s highlights will be performances by members of the Elk City High School Chorus, and I am excited to join them for one of their songs. They are conducted by Justin Ediger, who is enthusiastically putting in extra rehearsal time so that we can celebrate these young voices.”

As Powell reflects on her career, she noted that her journey has been successful because of the ability to have courage.

“One of the many lessons I have learned on my journey to a successful career is that courage has always been my closest friend. Courage to learn from others, courage to feel uncomfortable, but doing it anyway and having the courage to stand up and embrace my authenticity. I have to add that practice, study and preparation make me much more courageous,” she said.

When others look to Powell’s success, she would advise them to make sure they love what they are doing. It is not an easy path, but individually follow their dreams.

“The best advice I would give to a young person working to follow my path in the music industry is, ‘Make sure you love it.’ It is not easy, and most people will tell you that it’s too difficult and you should just do it for a hobby,” Powell said.

She continued to say that each person should find his/ her own path because he/she may not know where it may lead.

“As my OCU (Oklahoma City University) voice teacher, Florence Birdwell, used to say to me when I said that I was from a small town and probably could never be Miss America or have a singing career, ‘Why not you? Everyone is from somewhere,’” Powell added.

She closed by saying, “I am so lucky to be from Elk City, Oklahoma. Can’t wait to see you December 9 at the Susan Powell Fine Arts Center. How cool is that?”

A few tickets are still available at elkcityartscouncil. org or Currell’s Do It Center. Plan to give Powell and White a special Elk City welcome home, and visit with her after the concert, Sat. Dec. 9, at 7 p.m.


Beckham County Record