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Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 6:59 PM

Beckham/Roger Mills Unit of Oklahoma Retired Educators Meeting

President Linda Long called the meeting to order and welcomed members Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, Judy Haught, Nan Hubbard, Sharon Gilliland, Cindy Wood, Tana Feldman, June Lovelace, Dana Anderson, Carla Garrison, Dennis McRee, Janice Mollet, Larry Long, Jan Attocknie, Gwen Pasby and Kathy Noble. She also welcomed Veterans Elmo and Shirley May as special guests.

President Linda Long called the meeting to order and welcomed members Glenda Ivins, Cathy Lewis, Judy Haught, Nan Hubbard, Sharon Gilliland, Cindy Wood, Tana Feldman, June Lovelace, Dana Anderson, Carla Garrison, Dennis McRee, Janice Mollet, Larry Long, Jan Attocknie, Gwen Pasby and Kathy Noble. She also welcomed Veterans Elmo and Shirley May as special guests.

June gave the invocation. Judy led the flag Salutes.

In honor of Veterans, Judy invited guests, Elmo and Shirley May to present the program. They are Veterans who raised their family while being on active duty at the same time. Elmo was in the Marines, then joined the Army National Guard from which he retired in 2006. He and his wife Shirley currently live in Sayre where he serves in the local American Legion. Shirley is an RN who began her Military career by joining the Navy Reserve. Wanting more leadership opportunities, she switched military branches to the U.S. Army Reserve in 1989. Shirley, a Lieutenant Colonel, continues her career with the U.S. Army Reserve.

The November birthdays of Judy, Tana, and Jan were recognized and celebrated with the singing of the Happy Birthday song. Nan presented the devotional. She referenced the scripture, Matthew 5:16 and read “The Inviting Colors of Fall” by Julia Bettencourt. Nan shared how each beautiful color of fall represents an aspect of living a Christian Life. Before closing the devotional with a prayer, she thanked all Veterans for their service and noted that because of them, we have our freedom.

The minutes were approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was accepted.

In scholarship news, Linda mentioned this unit’s search for 2nd semester SWOSU student teachers who wish to apply for an OREA scholarship. If the search is not productive, the scholarship can be offered to a first year teacher in the spring of 2024. The membership report reflects an increase to 71 members. In the Membership Minute, Glenda shared that OREA members can enjoy the benefit of discounts on technology. With Christmas being just around the corner, OREA members can utilize incredible discounts on a “techie” gift from Apple, Dell and Lenovo products. Linda reminded members to keep track of their volunteer hours by noting them on a calendar each day. Reporting on the legislature, Linda mentioned that they are participating in interim studies and so far, none have affected retired teachers. When the session returns, the legislature will be looking at two COLA bills and the thirteenth check bill.

District Director Pam Holland was unable to attend today’s meeting due to a previously scheduled Veteran’s Day Program. In unfinished business, Linda accepted PAC Fund donations. She also reminded members that American Education Week is November 13-17 and suggested it would be great if OREA members would send a current teacher a thank-you card during the week. In new business, the topic was the annual Scholarship Auction fundraiser. Jan made a motion to schedule the Scholarship Auction of Christmas items for the December meeting. Carla seconded it, the motion passed.

Before adjourning the meeting, Linda announced that December 8 is the date of the next OREA meeting for Beckham/Roger Mills Unit. Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. at Elk City United Methodist Church. Dana Anderson will present the devotional. Other announcements include the Government Relations Committee meeting in Oklahoma City and the OREA Board of Director’s meeting that is scheduled for November 29.

Another item of interest is the performance of “Hometown Christmas,” December 9, 7 p.m. at the newly renovated Susan Powell Fine Arts Center in Elk City. Susan will perform many holiday favorites to fill the air with the sounds of Christmas in her hometown. Tickets for this unforgettable start to the holiday season are on sale now for $25 and are available at www.elkcityartscouncil. org.

